Tjahja Odynanto and Nasrullah Jamaludin

Department of Electrical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya, Indonesia

E-Mail: [email protected]


In fact in the household, electrical power coming from a network of PLN (The state electricity company) is limited by MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker) which is a current limiting devices made of bimetallic that works based on the current through the bimetal. When the electric current exceeds the nominal current MCB, the MCB will trip. While the measurement of electrical energy is still wearing KWH Meter analog / disc. But along with the times and technology it was developed KWH digital meter that also serves as an automatic current limiting in general KWH meter installed in each home where every house electric subscribe to PLN. The problem is if the subscription is the occupants of a dorm room with the electrical load is relatively small (only in one room only) so that when mounted KWH Meter (contractual power) per room then it will be too big electricity subscription fees. As the evaluation to limit electrical power per room then used Delimiter Tools Electricity With Triac-Based Microcontroller that serves to limit the supply of electrical power to each room in accordance setting the maximum power fed through the keypad. The final result shows if the presence of a load on one or several rooms not exceed 350 VA setting point, the flow of electrical current still flows (Triac ON). Whereas if the presence of a load on one or several rooms exceeds the setting point of 350 VA, then the flow of electric current disconnected (OFF Triac).

Keywords: limiting devices, electric power, triac, microcontroller.

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