The Revitalization of Song Interpretation by Civil Engineering Students

Norita Prasetya Wardhani, S.Pd, M.Pd

Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama (ITATS)

Jl. Arief Rahman Hakim 100 Surabaya

0856.3178.442 – [email protected]


Song is one of media that can use to revitalize the students to increase their ability in writing. Writing using English is one of students’ difficulties for civil engineering students moreover if the lecture asks the students to write long paragraphs. Using song, the students are able to explore their imagination to write short story based on the song that they have heard. If the students get confuse about the meaning of the song, they can watch the video clip. Watching video clip of that song is able to help the students more understand about the meaning of the song. Watching video clip is helping the students to add their imagination about the songs and they can interpret the song easier. There are two research questions in this research. There are 1) how is synchronize between the song given and students’ implementation? and 2) what is the students’ errors in writing?. Qualitative method will used to finish this research because at this time, the researcher is collecting the data for this research. The subjects of the research were civil engineering students’ writing which joining English 2 for common support lecture. The researcher analyzed the synchronize students’ writing with the song lyric and there will two errors of the writing which will analyze, such as subject-verb agreement, and sentence structure errors.

Keynotes: song, interpretation, writing skill

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