Pemanfaatan Desain Marketing Kit dan Website R&D Handricraft Lamongan untuk Meningkatkan Pasar Produk

Christin Mardiana1, Iwan Nur Diansyah2, Ainun Djauhari3

Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

[email protected]



Handicraft is one of the creative industries that can compete in regional and national markets. For that it takes a variety of development innovations. Innovation is not only limited to marketing, but also improve the handicraft/SME’s market itself. The development of the already fierce market competition affects the regional and national economies.
In Lamongan, State of East Java, SMEs products inwhich have creative economic and also added values is handicraft, and therefore they should be developed to be able to compete in regional and national markets. The purpose of this activity is to improve the marketing of SMEs handicraft as well as to compete in regional and national markets. The method undertaken is by teaching SMEs to have marketing tools (such as: product catalogs, brochures and business cards) to support its marketing; SMEs have online marketing websites to gain wider market.
The method used is training and workshop as well as assistance to SMEs. Training and workshops will be conducted including online marketing training and product differentiation. Mentoring is taken at the end of every month to evaluate the SMEs about the results of training and workshops that have been done, until they really can apply all the results of training and workshop as well. The outcomes are variety of handicraft product catalogs design and contemporary website design specially designed for SMEs handicraft.


Keywords: handicraft, Lamongan, marketing, website

peer review 2