Design System for Employee Performance Evaluation Based on Competence by Using Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

Design System for Employee Performance
Evaluation Based on Competence by Using Key
Performance Indicators (KPI)
Yoniv Erdhianto *
Industrial Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Adhi, Tama Surabaya, Indonesia
The aim of this study was to determine how to design a system to access a performance of employees, in accordance with the
vision, mission and strategy of the organization as well as to determine the measures of performance indicators in the form of
Key Performance Indicators (KPI) in accordance with the vision, mission and strategy of the Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama
Surabaya (ITATS). This study used a qualitative approach. Samples were taken based on certain considerations, which
amounted to 6 people who already meet the requirements, namely as employees of Computer Center, and Information Systems
from ITATS. This research use approach KPI (Key Performance Indicators). The results showed that the performance appraisal
system could be designed to determine in advance of the vision, mission and goals of the organization. After identifying the
vision, mission and goals of the organization then drafted strategic objectives. From the strategic objectives set performance
goals and mapped out the role of each unit to achieve performance goals. After elaborated description of the authority and
responsibility of the business unit, which is used to compile KPI relegated to a table that outlines the job description of each
individual. Of each job description, then made a table with accompanying KPIs and size of each individual achievement
against key indicators in certain periods.
Performance Assessment, Key Performance Indicators, Competence

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