Deteksi Citra Objek Lingkaran Dengan Menggunkan Metode Ekstraksi Bentuk Circularity

Hendro Nugroho
Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya
Email: [email protected]


This study contains the circle object image detection. Tested circular object is an object in the image, the image of the month chosen as the image of the moon has a shape in which an assortment, ie the full moon, half moon and crescent shape. For the detection of the object image circle shape do some stages are done by starting the process of image segmentation. (1) The segmentation process using the bi-level thresholding the image into black and white, (2) after the corrected image with the morphological method of opening and closing. (3) For the data extraction process traning done budar forms of object properties (circularity) to determine the roundness shape of an object. For the process of testing was also carried out the same process with the process of acquiring the image detection circle shape.
Keywords: Image detection circle, bi-level thersholding, opening, closing, extracition shape circularity .

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