Gati Sri Utami
Teknik Sipil-ITATS, Jl.Arief Rahman Hakim No 100 Surabaya
Clay is ground that has the properties of high shrinkage swelling to changes in water content , so that the bearing capacity is influenced by changes in water levels . As well as soil conditions on roads Darmahusada Indah high plasticity so that the subgrade , this road was experiencing shrinkage swelling . Therefore, to anticipate these problems need to be improved . Improvements made by the method of stabilization is by mixing with the native soil with 10 % sand , 20 % , 30 % , 40 % and 50 % , then testing the Atterberg limits , compaction , laboratory CBR and swelling potential. From the test results showed that the addition of a limit Atterbberg sea sand up to 50 % decrease of the plasticity index value of 27.52 % to 17.33% . The more a mixture of the higher density of sea sand . With a mixture of 50% sand to increase the price of CBR from 4.47 % to 10.65 % . In testing the swelling potential decreased from the previous 42.28 % to 19% . The results of this study concluded that the use of sea sand with sea sand percentage of 40% is good enough to reduce the value of plasticity , in addition to increasing the bearing capacity of the soil on the value of CBR ( 9.75 % ) with a category quite well as subgrade and reduce the potential for development .
Key words : Soil Clay , Sand Sea , CBR laboratory,Swelling , Stabilization

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