Kajian ATS & AMF di Genset Saat Peralihan Pasokan Tenaga Listrik ke Jaringan PT. PLN Berbasis PLC

Mochamad Sholeh dan R. Ahmad Cholilurrahman
Teknik Elektro-ITATS, Jl. Arief Rachman Hakim No. 100 Surabaya


Power supply problems in the General Fuel Filling Station (gas station) is if a blackout of PT PLN (Persero), too long to wait for a backup power supply. This is because the system Start – Stop the generator set is still using a relay system. As the evaluation is the use of Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) and Automatic play Failure (AMF)—based Programmable Logic Control (PLC), which is done by changing the system Start — Stop from the generator by using an automated system. The final results show that with an automated system based on Programmable Logic Control (PLC) is known only takes 5 seconds for the transition process of starting and electrical power supply from the generator to the network of PT PLN (Persero). Of the relay system that takes about 10 seconds for the process of starting and switching power supply from the generator to the network of PT PLN (Persero). Judging from the results of time between using a relay system with an automated system has a gap of 5 seconds faster than using an automated system using a relay system Thus the automatic switching system is more feasible to use in industry and commerce.

Keywords: ATS, AMF, Genset, PLC

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