Aplikasi Diagnosa Penyakit Kanker pada Wanita dengan Metode Certainty Factor

Anita T. Kurniawati & Tutuk Indriyani, Aplikasi Diagnosa Penyakit Kanker pada Wanita dengan Metode Certainty Factor, Prosiding Seminar & Ekspose Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2014, Kopertis Wil. VII, ISBN: 978-602-72162-0-4.

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Cancer is a disease that causes the death of six number in Indonesia, so that the people are very afraid of the disease. This is due to the ignorance of the people of the symptoms or causes of cancer and overcome. For that in this paper will be made application to diagnose the disease and overcome by an expert system. The design of an expert system using tracking techniques Forward Chaining. Tracking is done for diagnosis and healing process. While the draft rule on disease diagnosis using Certainty Factor. With this application is expected to facilitate the general public to know and understand how the state of his health-related cancer so that they can take action before it’s too late.

Keywords: Expert System, cancer in women, Cancer Diagnosis, Cancer Treatment, Certainty Factor.